Living well is challenging even in the best of circumstances. The book of Daniel gives us an example of a life lived well in a hostile environment. I’m sharing my most recent devotional, which was published on the You Version/ Holy Bible app! Check it out :)

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Susan Titus
ketchup anyone?

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could sit and chat sometime? We could “ketchup” :) My friend is trying to shift the definition of ketchup from a condiment to a conversation. But really- I’ve missed chatting and would love to sit together for a minute.

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Susan Titus
just the two of us...

In writing Genesis one, the author uses a wide angle lens to capture the breadth of creation. Genesis two narrows the focus on the two main characters. Allowing us an intimate view of their specific and personal creation.

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Susan Titus
The lens of Genesis

Suppose you were to create something in your own likeness- what would you put into it? Some of us have had the blessing of having children (it’s good to remember that it is a blessing, not a promise or guarantee)- and we see features that are ‘like us’, and often, characters and tendencies that are ‘like us’.

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Susan Titus
excited to share...

Why should a Christian summer camp engage the topics of gender and sexuality in relevant and biblical ways? Join us as we dialogue about this and a lot more!

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Susan Titus
beginnings and blogging...

We turned the page on the calendar. It’s the time of resolutions, re-solutions, solutions. Becoming resolute. As we read and reason together, let’s be resolute in our determination to see ourselves loving with the generous love of Jesus and thinking wisely and Biblically in light of our times. We can “think, think, think” as Winnie the Pooh says.

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Susan Titus
bias and misperception...

Yesterday was transgender awareness day. How can we grow in awareness, not just of a day on the calendar, but of what is going on in our minds and hearts as we share space on this planet? How can we become more cognizant of our unconscious bias or misperceptions? I think it comes with humility and curiosity.

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Susan Titus
camp snapshots...

If you spent a day in the summer with me out at Camp Ray Bird you’d see a hundred plus children and teens each with their own story. I want to share one snapshot of one day when my path crossed with a young boy at camp.

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Susan Titus
All about the girls...

It’s an incredibly sacred space to sit with young women and really paint a picture of a God who knows them, loves them, planned for their unique gifts as females. In a culture with confusing language and messaging around the topic of gender, we sit and speak plainly from the Bible. It’s such a cool time that I wish you could all be there for a bit!

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Susan Titus
ideas and beginnings...

If ideas are the engine of our thinking, and our thoughts eventually morf into our beliefs, and our beliefs get worked out into our actions…then we need to spend some time “ideating” in Genesis- the beginning of gender.

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Susan Titus
dearest Beth...thank you

For so many I know, this woman provided a live, large and in color, visual aid of what a passion for Jesus and His word looked life in a real life. Her love for Jesus helped form me and mature me. I’m so grateful.

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Susan Titus
statistically speaking...

Ten years ago, I said to my pastor, “I think the Evangelical church is going to split over whether or not same sex marriage is biblical”. That prompted some interesting discussion. The statistics are startling just a decade later.

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Susan Titus
The year I turned 40...

Today I’m fifty seven and am revisiting why I began to blog at all. And why should I continue? What is there left to say? Is there still something worth discussing? I believe the answer is ‘yes’.

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Susan Titus
reflecting on pride...

How can I (or we) think through Pride month? Pride parades? Pride events? I’m a straight, cisgender, Christian, holding to a historical, Biblical sexual and gender ethic, and I want to examine this from every nuanced angle with the utmost humility. Want to think through this with me?

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Susan Titus