Recently, while discussing marriage with a group of college students, one student posed the question, “So what about this lesbian couple that I’m friends with? They are both Christians. They have a great relationship and love each other. But because they got married, they are going to hell? Right?
Read MoreListen to this podcast, message me, and I’ll treat for beverages and conversation.
Read More“God despises me”, he said simply.
Read MoreAs we grow in our imitation of Christ, our churches should look like large family gatherings where newcomers have to ask who belongs with whom because we are so blended. This kind of unity reflects God’s heart.
Read MoreI have a pastor who routinely says that we are often the answers to the prayers that we pray. I found this to be true as I prayed through many late nights last spring about the gender questions I saw all around me. What is keeping you up at night praying?
Read MoreMy husband Shawn has taught me a lot over the years we’ve been married. As I think through issues and topics he often warns about “the ditches on either side”. Last week on National Coming Out Day, we had just such a conversation!
Read MoreImagine walking with God through your neighborhood while He explained the various trees He had created and why He liked the pointy leaves of the oak tree and the long wispy leaves of the willow. His enjoyment of the tiny ants, working so busily alongside the soaring blue heron.
Read MoreHow can I possibly know if I am making progress when all is shifting around me?
Read MoreMy son tells me often that there is incredible power in story. I believe him. Take a listen to these two powerful stories.
Read MoreShawn would say, “When anyone—churched or unchurched— hears the phrase ‘I’m gay’ they hear ‘I’m Side A.’”
Read MoreI think that teens believe that God hates gay people because often in evangelical churches we are confused and also think that God hates gay people…
Read MoreThe pain experienced in today’s world by the teens around us is staggering. How can we lean into this sadness in ways that offer hope from a Savior that is their only true hope?
Read MoreIn this season, it seems like, if I want joy and hope, I must get comfortable with the sadness. There is no other option.
Walking this path of grief has forced me to be comfortable with sadness being my travelling companion.
There is not one “true blue” shade of masculinity- there is a whole color variation that can be celebrated and seen as “male”. Same with the hues of femininity.
Two separately created genders with a wide variety in expression.
Our society seems to sum gender up easily in pink and blue boxes. Especially for teens, there is little room for gender expression outside of the traditional norms.
Read MoreOften Christ calls us to say “no” to one thing in order to say “yes” to something else. Yarhouse’s book Costly Obedience, tells a beautiful story of brothers and sisters saying “YES!”.
Read MoreA single friend once said to my husband and me, “I have never, ever felt like a third wheel with you guys.”
Read MoreAs evangelical believers, we often automatically respond “no” in situations that are much more nuanced than they appear. And we fear acknowledging the need for nuance lest we be labeled “progressive” or “liberal” for even thinking such thoughts. (Though there are also those who automatically respond with “yes” without thinking as well.)
How do we think through Pride Month?
I wanted a way to be identified as a “safe” person for teens with sexual or gender identity questions to approach for support and care. I was given some cool advice…
Read MoreThe blessing of attending the Revoice Conference again this year is not lost on me. I am humbled to sit amongst brothers and sisters, most of whom are sexual minorities, and listen, learn and walk alongside. Words are hard for me to find to describe the privilege I feel at being welcomed here.
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