gendered beings...

What are the implications of God creating us ‘in His image’ and also as ‘male and female’. Linked and tied together. Part of my femaleness uniquely reflecting a piece of God’s character. Let’s reason together…

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Susan Titus
we all fall down...

We can tend to relate to our own created sex and other’s created sex in distorted and destructive ways. Gender questions permeate our youth culture today. What is God’s design in this area?

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Susan Titus
in the pink...

I was not looking for conversation when she said, “in today’s crazy world, I just want her to always love pink and remember that she’s a girl.” I had to think slowly over what was the most timely response.

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Susan Titus
this is on my mind...

This has been a year of unknowns, of instability, of no routine, no predictability. But in the midst of what seems like a mess, Jesus stands covered in the dirt of knowing us.

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Susan Titus
I intend...again

Do you ever wonder why some people seem to leave a huge footprint on those people and spaces around them? And some people just seem to live, work, relaxing after dinner, and then get up and do that on repeat. I want something else to be on repeat in my life.

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Susan Titus
divided we stand?...

This year, for the first time ever in the 33 years we’ve been married, my husband, Shawn, and I voted for different candidates in the presidential election.

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Susan Titus
that's the one...

Most of us are not going to be famous. We are not going to make headlines. We are probably not going to ever write a book that thousands will read. So can we impact people at all? How does this work?

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Susan Titus
raise your hand if...

Most of the time change happens in my life and in yours because someone has gotten to know us and either models that change, or voices aloud their desire for us to change. Relationship is clutch for life change.

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Susan Titus
impossible marriage...?

Through the pages of their story, Matt and Laurie flesh out the crazy idea of “oneness”. How our “oneness” with our spouses is a picture of Christ and His bride. Their honesty allows us to see their pursuit of Christ and each other. They are spurring us on to love and good deeds in this beautiful word picture. Take a read of this new book!

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Susan Titus
WYSIWYG intentions...

I want to live intentionally, not randomly or in response to situations. I want to live with purpose. I’m intending some things with these years of my life- and I thought I would share a couple of those intentions!

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Susan Titus
thoughts on identity labels...

A Christ follower who experiences attraction to the same sex has some challenges in deciding how to explain or describe that part of themselves. As evangelical believers, we have a reputation for demanding certain labels and rejecting others. How can we love better in this area?

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Susan Titus
a paradigm shift...

We, as evangelical believers, often have a knee jerk reaction to someone describing themselves as a gay Christian. Let’s think this through. Let’s shift our paradigm and not our doctrine.

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Susan Titus
intentionally secure...

Where I find my security determines how I love and respond in situations and to people everyday. Security matters, not just on our phones and in our homes- but in my heart and mind as well.

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Susan Titus
my first thought...

I recently remarked to a friend that I was working on not having an immediate response to people, situations, words. That I wanted to give myself time to think. This person replied, “you’re wrong. you can’t stop your immediate thought, you can only not share it aloud.” I am wanting to live differently than that. I want to genuinely think before I judge, and I think that I can.

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Susan Titus
on walking alongside...

For years now my heart for gender and sexual minorities has felt like being a bit of an odd duck in my evangelical circles. I’m wondering if there are a few more odd ducks out there?

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Susan Titus